Support for groundwater protection zones
Support for the SEN in the approval procedure for groundwater protection zones to guarantee the quality of our drinking water
In the Valais, drinking water is almost entirely supplied by groundwater reserves. It is therefore essential to ensure the quality of the water we consume. In order to guarantee the long-term protection of the groundwater that feeds the public interest catchments (springs and wells) used to supply the population with drinking water, territorial protection measures (zones S1, S2, S3, Sh and Sm, groundwater protection perimeters and Ao sectors) are delineated by hydrogeologists on behalf of the catchment owners (often the communes), in coordination with the Cantonal Environment Service(SEN). In order to prevent pollution of tapped water and guarantee a short response time in the event of pollution, land-use restrictions and protective measures are associated with these territorial protection measures, which must be applied to the various plots concerned. As the territorial protection measures delineated to protect water catchments concern both communal and private plots, they are put out to public inquiry before being approved by the Department of Mobility, Territory and Environment(DMTE) or the State Council.

The CREALP supports the SEN in monitoring the various dossiers submitted by the communes, from checking the conformity of the dossiers through to approval of the groundwater protection plans, including the public inquiry process and the handling of any objections lodged. CREALP is also involved in the regular updating of the cantonal water protection map and the cantonal cadastre of springs.

Project manager :

Spécialiste en hydrogéologie & coordinateur sécurité
Project duration: 2019 – ongoing
Customer: Department of the Environment(SEN), Canton of Valais
Further information
Cantonal geodata portal (groundwater protection)