Randa rockfall (1991)

The data collected on this site has been an essential source of knowledge for analyzing the behavior of the Grossgufer massif and managing the associated risks. Preamble In the spring of 1991, the village of Randa in the Mattertal valley, some 5 km downstream of Zermatt, was the scene of one of the largest rockfalls in Europe in the 20th century, along with that of Val Pola (Valtelline, Italy, 1987). In all,… Read More
GUARDAVAL monitoring system

The Canton of Valais natural hazard monitoring portal Guardaval is a comprehensive IT platform for operational and synoptic monitoring of natural hazards (ground instabilities, floods, glacial hazards, meteorological hazards, debris flows, etc.) in the Valais. For over 20 years, CREALP has been maintaining and developing this constantly evolving platform for the State of Valais, integrating more data and functionalities every day. Today, Guardaval integrates more than 70 data sources from different suppliers… Read More
Geocadastre | geological surveys

Le cadastre cantonal des sondages géologiques – a web portal for consulting and editing subsoil data for the Canton of Valais Launched at the end of 2013, Géocadastre – the cantonal geological survey cadastre – has gradually established itself as a reference tool for practitioners. The Geocadast web portal not only enables consultation of subsurface data, but also provides information on the cantonal cadastre. The quaternary data contained in the Geocadastre are… Read More
Spatial Reference Information System | Floods

A Spatially Referenced Information System for managing hydrological hazards in the canton of Valais SIRS-CRUES is one of a series of spatially referenced information systems (SIRS) set up by the canton of Valais to optimize the use and enhancement of information contained in natural hazard studies (avalanches, floods, ground instabilities). SIRS-CRUES records information relating to hydrological hazards. Developed on the initiative of the Natural Hazards Service(SDANA) and with the collaboration of the… Read More
Groundwater monitoring

Monitoring groundwater in the Rhône plain and mountain aquifers In Switzerland, groundwater and springs cover more than 80% of water needs. With an annual production of over 1 millionm3, they are the main source of drinking and industrial water. Long-term monitoring of groundwater quality and groundwater levels is therefore of particular importance. This is all the more the case in Valais where, due to the specific nature of the recharge regime for… Read More
Spatial Reference Information System | Geological Hazards

A Spatially Referenced Information System for managing geological hazards in the canton of Valais SIRS-DAGEO is one of the spatially referenced information systems (SIRS) set up by the canton of Valais to optimize the use and development of information contained in natural hazard studies (avalanches, floods, ground instabilities). SIRS-DAGEO records information relating to geological hazards. Launched by the canton of Valais in 2004, SIRS-DAGEO enables data from geological hazard studies to be… Read More
Thermal balance of the water table

Inventory of groundwater use for heating and cooling in Sion, implementation of a temperature monitoring network. Groundwater is an important energy resource. It can be used to generate heat and cooling throughout the year. The groundwater table in the Rhône plain is often the focus of particular attention from planners, due to its high exploitation potential and proximity to the surface. There are around 150 installations in operation in the Sion area…. Read More
Rocks and quarries in Valais

An in-depth review of the geological, technical, historical and socio-economic aspects of quarries operating in the Valais over the past three centuries. Noting the rapid disappearance of quarrying archives in Valais, geologists and researchers Daniel A. Kissling, Michel F. Delaloye and Hans-Rudolf Pfeiffer decided to safeguard this heritage by recovering this information before it was too late, and making it accessible to the public. As a result of their work, over 570… Read More