Javier Fluixa-Sanmartin
Posts by Javier Fluixa-Sanmartin:
- Accounting for Climate Change Uncertainty in Long-Term Dam Risk Management
- Adaptation strategies of dam safety management to new climate change scenarios informed by risk indicators
- Glacier Lake 513, Peru : Lessons for early warning service development
- Comprehensive decision-making approach for managing time dependent dam risks
- Using a hierarchical model framework to assess climate change and hydropower operation impacts on the habitat of an imperiled fish in the Jinsha River, China
- Empirical Tool for the Assessment of Annual Overtopping Probabilities of Dams
- Quantification of climate change impact on dam failure risk under hydrological scenarios : A case study from a Spanish dam
- Incorporation of a time-dependent risk analysis approach to dam safety management
- Review article : Climate change impacts on dam safety
- Searching for the optimal drought index and timescale combination to detect drought : A case study from the lower Jinsha River basin, China