Abschätzung von Extremhochwassern bei Talsperren nach der Methode CRUEX++
Zeimetz, F., Garcia Hernandez, J., Jordan, F., Fallot, J.-M., & Schleiss, A. (2017). Abschätzung von Extremhochwassern bei Talsperren nach der Methode CRUEX++. Wasser, Energie, Luft = Eau, énergie, air, 109(4), 261‑270.
The research p rog ram C R U EX, i n iti ated roughly 25 years ago and aiming at the development of theoretical fundamental knowledge and of a methodology for the estimation of extreme floods to verify dam safety, could be concluded through the project CRUEX++ (2012- 2017). ln this contribution, the results of the project CRUEX++ and the resulting new methodology for extreme flood estimations usrng the PMP-PMF method and statistical approaches are presented. The estimation of the decisive extreme precipitations is based on the PMP maps specially developed for Switzerland. The workflow of the new methodology CRUEX++ is illustrated through an application example and the results are compared to those resulting from conventional statistical estimations. ln this manner, the advantages of the new method o I ogy C R U EX+ + can be highlighted..