Análisis comparativo de los modelos hidrológicos GR4J-SOCONT-HBV-SAC en la cuenca del río chillón, Perú.

Astorayme Valenzuela, M., Garcia Hernandez, J., Felipe, O., Suarez, W., Huggel, C., Molina, W., & Sarango, D. (2016). Análisis comparativo de los modelos hidrológicos GR4J-SOCONT-HBV-SAC en la cuenca del río chillón, Perú. XXVII Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidráulica -LADHI. International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research, IAHR, 28-30 September, Lima, Perú. ID737, 227-237.

From a scientific and practical standpoint, basin modeling is more effective if you have more than one modeling response. In this paper, we propose the adequacy of four rainfall-runoff models in the Chillon river basin: Génie Rural à 4 Paramètres Journalier (GR4J), Soil Contribution (SOCONT), Hydrologiska Byrans Vattenbalansavdelning (HBV) and Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting (SAC). The models have a temporal and spatial resolution, daily and semi-distributed respectively. During the simulation period from Sept/04 to Feb/14 the models were evaluated by statistical performance indicators. In this regard, the HBV and SAC models have had the best response showing a better performance in avenues (Nash> 0.8) and minor errors (RRMSE <0.51). However, the response of GR4J and SOCONT models do not show great statistical variation (Nash> 0.73 and RRMSE <0.65). The results make us think about the use of more than one model to make decisions. It is noteworthy that for the adequacy of models the MINERVE RS hydrologic – hydraulic modeling software was used. Finally, preliminary forecast tests with a horizon of three days were held.